Episode 119 – Singing and Diet

We are surrounded at all times by incredibly cheap and tempting foods that are destroying our health and lifespan. In this episode, John discusses how to eat for maximum creative health and energy so you can keep singing and teaching for years to come. EPISODE LINKS: Healthspan Solution Book  

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Episode 118 – High Note Mistakes

Higher and Louder! The battle cry of singers everywhere. Singing higher is an important skill, and there are common mistakes singers make when attempting to increase their upper range. In this episode, John reveals the most significant mistakes and how to avoid them. EPISODE LINKS: Free Straw Warmups Course

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Episode 117 – Nasal Sounding Voice?

A nasal sounding voice is a common complaint of singers. In this episode, John discusses what is (and isn’t) a nasal voice and gives some simple methods for making your voice sound richer and more natural. EPISODE LINKS: IVTOM Conference

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Episode 116 – Guarding Your Attention

There is much current discussion of social media sites compiling your private data – but that’s not what they want to steal from you. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube….what they want is your attention – the very fabric of your life experience. In this episode, John discusses the battle for your attention and how to guard your…

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Episode 115 – Becoming a Voice-Over Artist

Working in voice over used to be a very select group of people in major metropolitan areas. Now, the internet has created new opportunities for singers. Liz Hill is a gifted vocalist and voice artist who has built a thriving voice-over business from home. In this episode, John and Liz discuss how to prepare and…

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Episode 114 – The Perfectionist Trap

We all want to create our best work, reaching for an ideal. But when we attempt to attain “perfection,” we can often end up spinning our wheels, afraid to show our creative work to the public. In this episode, John discusses how you can avoid the perfectionist trap and get your voice, songs, and teaching…

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Episode 113 – What to Think About While Singing

Singing is such a high-level skill that it can be a struggle to know what to think about or focus on. In this episode, John breaks down the different levels of mental focus, from the practice room to the stage to help you get clarity of mind when singing.

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Episode 42 – Sing Like No One’s Listening

We all know the feeling. Our voice sounds great in the practice room, only to fall apart when we go to sing in front of others. How can we get the same confidence we feel when singing alone? How can we sing like no one’s listening? This question comes from a listener of the podcast, and John…

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Episode 41 – Singing With Elon Musk

When you think of singers, Elon Musk usually does not come to mind.  That’s because Elon doesn’t sing, at least not publicly. But the trailblazing founder of Tesla and Space X does do something amazingly well that we singers can learn from. Elon is able to break complex systems down to the most basic level, and…

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Episode 40 – Dealing With the Haters

Fergie recently got roasted for her performance of the National Anthem, setting off a social media frenzy of gleeful attacks. The fear is singers watching this will be afraid to take artistic risks as they could suffer the same fate. In this podcast, John gives an important pep talk on artistic courage and dealing with…

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