Episode 59 – Mindset for Practicing

“What should I think about?” This is often a hard question to answer when working on your voice. There are so many different variables going on during a practice session and our focus can feel divided and erratic. In this episode, John discusses developing a fruitful mindset and focus. Use the power of awareness and…

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Episode 58 – You Must Make Mistakes

We all want to avoid mistakes, especially when singing. Who wants to sound terrible? Yet mistakes are one of the best ways to learn, providing you use them to your benefit. In this episode, John discusses why making mistakes is all a part of the learning process and the problems with trying to avoid them.

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Episode 57 – How Good Do You Want to Be?

Few singers reach their full potential. Often, singers will raise their skill level to the demands of their current situation, but not much more. John will ask his advanced students “how good do you want to be?” This question is intended to inspire, to make the serious student think about possibilities and the level of…

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Episode 56 – How to Record a Great Vocal

A great vocal can be magic. It is the essential element to creating hit songs and classics that are listened to for generations. There are vital elements the singer needs to bring together for a vocal to work on the highest levels. In this episode, John breaks down these essential parts and explains what you need…

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Episode 55 – Overusing Vocal Exercises

Proper vocal exercises are a lifesaver for the singer. A vocal exercise can diminish certain difficulty levels when warming up or trying to gain new levels of skill. Unfinished sounds can be particularly useful when used correctly. These exercises can make specific tasks such as extending range or finding balance through difficult vocal transitions much more…

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Episode 54 – You Do Not Need Anyone’s Permission

Taking risks is part of the creative process (and life) but there may be those in your life who are stopping you from moving forward. Not needing permission is a theme social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk speaks about often – and this attitude is vital if you want to have a career as a singer…

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Episode 53 – Why Singing Terms Are Confusing

Singing terms such as “pulled chest” or “mix” can certainly cause confusion. Not only are the terms imperfect descriptions of what is occurring in the voice, they also mean different things depending on the teacher or singer. In this episode, John explains where some of the more popular terms come from and how to understand the…

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Episode 52 – Do Great Singers Equal Great Voice Teachers?

There are many criteria to use in selecting a voice teacher, a great singing voice is an obvious metric to use. There are those who argue singing well is the ONLY criteria for choosing a voice teacher. However, the reality doesn’t always match up to conventional wisdom. In this episode, John discusses teaching versus “doing”…

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Episode 51 – Seeing the Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor

Just the mention of the Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor (ENT) can strike terror in the hearts (and throats of singers). However, a good ENT can be your voice’s best friend. In this episode, John covers what to look for in choosing an ENT, when you should go, what to expect, and the main vocal…

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Episode 50 – Using SOVT Exercises

Semi-occluded Vocal Tract Exercises are not some strange ritual being practiced on a commune in Oregon – no, they are perhaps one of the best and most foolproof ways to get your voice working correctly. Semi-occluded (partially blocked) vocal sounds create healthy backpressure in the voice, which presses down and helps the vocal cords align…

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